I bet he just found his clients true value

Turn Your Practice Around - Are You Calculating Your Dental Client's True Value?

house Thomas Sep 25, 2023

The Pivotal Role of Dental Patients' Lifetime Value in Building a Thriving Practice

The journey of a dental practice is punctuated by the smiles it brings to life, the challenges it navigates, and, most importantly, the loyalty it engenders from its patients. While new patient appointments often get the limelight, it's the long-term relationships that form the bedrock of a successful practice. And this relationship's monetary worth is quantified by the "average lifetime value" of a dental patient. Let's delve deeper into the world of Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) and understand its nuances, importance, and ways to amplify it.

1. Demystifying Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

At its heart, CLV represents a projection of the financial value a patient brings to your practice across the length of their association. It's akin to looking into a crystal ball and predicting the revenue a client will generate over time.

While all businesses can benefit from understanding their CLV, it takes on heightened importance in sectors that thrive on long-standing relationships, like dentistry. Consider the journey of a patient who starts with you as a child, experiencing their first dental check-up, and continues through adulthood, relying on you for everything from orthodontics to dental surgeries. This long-term relationship has a profound financial implication, which is encapsulated by CLV.

Dental Patient's Lifetime Value: Why Does It Vary?

Various figures float around in the industry regarding the average lifetime value of a dental patient. Some conservative estimates stand at $10,000, while more optimistic figures by experts like Derek Naylor suggest it could be as high as $22,000. Others still believe that, in the best-case scenarios, it could peak at an impressive $45,000 across two decades.

Such disparity in numbers arises due to the inherent differences in practices. Geographic location, range of services provided, pricing structures, and the effectiveness of marketing strategies all play pivotal roles in determining the CLV for a specific dental practice.

Calculating the Lifetime Value for Your Practice: A Step-by-Step Guide

Though it might sound complex, calculating the CLV is quite straightforward when broken down:

  • a. Lifelong Relationship: Begin by asking how long, on average, a patient stays with your practice. Industry standards might suggest a decade, but personal experiences might indicate longer or shorter durations.
  • b. Average Annual Value: Calculate the revenue generated annually from each patient. For instance, if a patient visits bi-annually and pays $400 each time, their annual contribution stands at $800.
  • c. Client Referral Value: Consider the average number of new patients each existing patient refers to your practice during their association. If each patient typically brings in two new patients and each new patient represents a value of, say, $8,000, the referral value equates to $16,000.

Combine these elements using the formula:

Average Annual Value x Lifelong Relationship + Client Referral Value = Lifetime Value

Beyond Numbers: The Strategic Implications of CLV

Understanding CLV transcends its numeric value. With this metric at your fingertips, you can:

  • Optimize Marketing: Ascertain how much to invest in acquiring new patients, ensuring the acquisition cost doesn't outweigh their CLV.
  • Choose Partnerships Judiciously: Deciding on partnerships, such as with dental marketing agencies, becomes clearer when you understand the lifetime value of your clientele.
  • Set Benchmarks: CLV provides a tangible number to aim for, pushing practices to continually enhance service quality and patient experience.

5. Strategies to Elevate Your Patients' Lifetime Value

CLV isn't a static figure; it can be influenced and improved:

  • a. Commitment to Excellence: The more you invest in providing impeccable services, the longer patients are likely to remain loyal. Continuous training and embracing the latest technologies can go a long way.
  • b. Personalized Patient Care: Building strong relationships with patients, understanding their needs, and providing personalized care can enhance their association duration.
  • c. Effective Marketing: Utilize targeted marketing strategies, like optimized Facebook ads, to attract the right patient demographic—those seeking long-term associations and premium treatments.

6. The Ripple Effects of High CLV

Enhanced CLV invariably leads to sustained profitability. As your practice grows in reputation and reliability, patients are likely to stay on, refer more, and opt for advanced treatments, all of which positively influence your bottom line.


In the intricate dance of dental practice management, the concept of the average lifetime value of dental patients plays a lead role. It offers not just a numerical insight but a strategic direction. By understanding, valuing, and working towards enhancing this metric, dental practices can chart a course towards sustained success and unparalleled patient satisfaction.